
Whiplash Treatment with our Dayton/Beavercreek Chiropractor

Woman who has whiplash from an auto accident

Our chiropractor, Dr. Brian Briggs, uses a combination of techniques that work with your body's strengths to heal whiplash. If you are experiencing symptoms of whiplash including neck pain, limited neck mobility, nausea, vertigo or headaches, the staff invite you to our family-friendly healing center.

Our chiropractic approach means that you will not experience unwanted side effects from medications that block pain but do not heal your injury. Instead, residents of  Dayton/Beavercreek recover from whiplash faster when choosing chiropractic care and also are less likely to have lasting effects from the injury.

Whiplash and Chiropractic Care

The most common way our clients experience whiplash is a car accident. If you are hit from behind or hit someone from behind, your forward motion is quickly stopped. As a result, your head continues to move forward until it is snapped back into place. When this happens, the bones, muscles and connective tissue in your neck are damaged. The damage may be a vertebrae that has moved out of alignment or overstretched muscles and tendons. Dr. Briggs examines your neck to determine the exact source of your whiplash discomfort and then develops a care plan to start you on the healing path. Your chiropractor may suggest various techniques to ease your pain. Some of these include:

  • Manual chiropractic adjustments to position the vertebrae of your neck and upper back. These adjustments reduce pressure on nerves and allow your muscles to heal in a balanced alignment. Adjustments also help to improve your neck mobility.
  • Acoustic Compression Therapy sends sound waves deep into the muscle tissue to stimulate healing in the cells.
  • Lifestyle changes to show you how to avoid triggering painful episodes. These changes also support a healthy neck alignment to reduce your discomfort.
  • Exercise guidance once your whiplash begins to heal. These exercise stretch muscles along the front of your neck that have been shortened and strengthen muscles along the back which have been lengthened. The goal is to return your muscles to a balance that supports your head movements without pain.
  • Nutritional support so your body receives the proper healing nutrients.

Contact our Dayton/Beavercreek Chiropractor Today

Whiplash symptoms do not always immediately appear following a car accident. If you have been involved in an accident, we suggest you visit our chiropractor for a complete evaluation. Even if you are not experiencing pain, Dr. Briggs evaluates your spine to alleviate any pain before it occurs. If you are experiencing symptoms, we also encourage you to see us as soon as possible for natural pain treatments.

Schedule your consultation today by calling us at (937) 789-7341.


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